Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Moment to Talk About The Gathering

Pardon me for taking a moment to interrupt our Life of Reilly updates but I want to talk about another project that I've been working on that is very important to me and that is The Gathering.

Gathering #1: The Thing with Feathers (An Anthology of Hope) is a 32 page anthology featuring works by over a dozen talent creators (most of them very new to the world of comic books)

I've been financing these myself but as more and more people come up with great ideas I find myself wanting to turn this into a regular thing: a quarterly anthology with 2 specials thrown in per year and that's why I'm turning to you all hat in hand to ask to help spread the word on your own social networking pages or if you can check out the link and help us out with a donation of your own.

I'm very proud of the work that's been done and think that people are going to be very impressed by the finished product and the goal of this kickstart campaign is to ensure that we can make a whole lot more of these and offer some talented people a chance to get their work in print. We have just over a month to raise the funds needed to see that many more issues see print and any bit of help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for reading this and I hope you're able to get the word out and check out the comic when it arrives.